A chitchat with AnnaLuz Coach - Una chiacchierata con AnnaLuz Coach
A chitchat with AnnaLuz Coach Hi there! This is me, Annaluz and I am a professional coach. I love Coaching because this discipline is based on the idea that every human being is perfectly capable of orienting their life towards realization of their desires. In coaching each person is the best "specialist" on their own life . In fact, in a coaching relationship, the client decide what is their goal, how to achieve it and how to hold themselves accountable for it. "If a coach does not explains how to get to the desired outcomes, What does a coach do, then? ", somebody may ask. A coach is not a mentor who explains what to do to have success, but a partner who gently supports you in the development of self-awereness and in the action planning required to get from your actual position to your destination. A coach is similar to a "smart" videocamera which plays back for you your words, thoughts, feelings and change in your energy levels, so that you can i...